co-03: over a year late is better than never!

Written: 2023-01-05
Categories: Cohost Archive
Tags: Gamemaker, Gamedev, Threebee

Original tags were: gamedev, gamemaker, threebee

I cannot express adequately how happy i am to see this lantern move.

The god forsaken bug that caused this rig to load incorrectly has haunted me for over a year, the amount of work I thought it would take to solve was too much and so it just sat on the shelf since back when ludum dare 49 brought it to my attention.

a screenshot of the bug, where the individual elements of the model don\'t quite line up

But several weekends of slowly adding various debug tools later and its fixed! And as a bonus i’m a lot more familiar with ImGuiGML than I was, which is nice!

adding various debug tools

What’s funny is that in the end the issue wasn’t even in my animation system. I use a custom file format for animations similar to .OBJ and the blender addon I’d written to export those was where the bug was. I spent a whole year putting off fixing this bug because I thought it’d involve digging through dual quaternion math and shit and in the end the problem was “the meshes are assigned to the wrong bones in the exported file”

what if a bug had a website

occasional maker of things and poster of thoughts