Original tags were: ludum dare 52, ludum dare, ldjam, gamedev, gamemaker
progress at the end of day one! I’m actually kinda happy with the speed i’m getting things done, the first 12 hours were very slow and i ended up wasting some time on something I couldn’t use but by the end of the day I’d picked up speed again.
the spit-n-polish goblin inside me desperately wants to waste more time on improving the movement tweens but i’m forcing myself to leave them for now as they’re “better than nothing”, tomorrow i need to focus on MECHANICS, not PRETTY ANIMATIONS, the pretty animations can come at the end if i have time
as a side thing, limiting myself to mouse only controls is a fun challenge, I’m currently not super keen on how i show the action in the centre widget but docking the walk command to the edge wasn’t nice, i might have to come up with something better.