Original tags were: ludum dare, ludum dare 52, gamedev, gamemaker
Go harvest some cavern fungus for science!
Its a simple little game, both this and my last ldjam game ended up being more an experiment in execution than they were �finished games�, although I do feel I got more done here than Final Slumber. I would�ve liked to have polished it more but I have a nasty habit of spending too much time on under-the-hood stuff and then running out of time for everything else, oops :D
the development experience between this game and my last game is staggeringly similar, right down to the fact that both games suffered from “spending too much time improving the map editor which is a feature literally nobody will ever see”
i really need to give threebee some kind of general purpose 3d level editor so i can stop reinventing the wheel every single ludum dare
also i need to go back to making 2D games for a bit, for my own sanity…